AUDIOBOOK by Andreas Köhler & Hendrik Vogel
"Dennis Rauenbacher muss zusammen mit seiner Klassenkameradin Charlotte für den Hochbegabten-Geschichtskurs am Bismarckgymnasium ein Referat über Carl Wilhelm von Baden-Durlach halten. Bei ihren Recherchen stoßen die beiden auf interessante Geschichten aus dem Leben des Stadtgründers. Schnell wird die Geschichte Carl Wilhelms bei den Rauenbachers das bestimmende Thema. Und auch Jacky, Dennis Schwester, kann sich der Faszination des Markrafen schließlich nicht mehr entziehen..."
Ein Hörspiel von Andreas Köhler und Hendrik Vogel, gesprochen und produziert von und mit Karlsruher Bürgerinnen und Bürgern: Paulinus Burger, Animitra Basu, Michael Bauersfeld, Denise Hammer, Hannah Rickmann, Lea Stephan, Nienke Gschwend, Volker Koch, Veronica Lill, Amina Fritz, Oliver van Thiel, Oliver Sehon, Tobias Markowitsch, Jara Wieland, Tina Wieland, Wolfgang Wieland, Helena Wieland, Rainer Trüby, Christoph Strieck, Luise Reidelshöfer, Dominik Renner, Andreas Köhler,m Hendrik Vogel, Bernd Gauly, Joerg Hartmann aka Powboy aka Opa Jott, Matthias Getachew & der Tulpengarde der KG Badenia....
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Stadtmarketing Karlsruhe, ZKM Museumskommunikation, Schoeps Mikrofone, Kulturbüro Karlsruhe, Neue Welle ....
Live Hörspiel Uraufführung, 27.08.2015, 19 Uhr
Pavillon im Schlossgarten, Karlsruhe
My work is characterized by creative problem solving, strong communication skills and the ability to turn creative visions into reality - be it in artistic direction, spatial design or audiovisual production. I am constantly looking for new challenges and look forward to working with like-minded creatives and visionary companies.
With over 15 years of experience as a project manager, freelancer and artistic designer, I specialize in interdisciplinary projects in the fields of scenography, architecture, design, audio and art production. As a PROFESSIONAL scenographer and media artist, my practice revolves around an interdisciplinary approach.
My expertise ranges from the development and design of immersive installations and artistic projects to the management and realization of architecture and design projects and the production of radio plays and music videos.
In my last role as project manager at EIGENSONNE GmbH, I was responsible for the conception and design of a new office as well as internal communication and consulting for design projects.
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Adobe Creative Suite - IN DESIGN - ILLUSTRATOR - Photoshop - AFTER EFFECTS - PREMIERE - Microsoft Office - Rhino 3D - 3D-Visualisierung - Wordpress - Critical Thinking - Problem Solving - Project Management - Sound Design - Presentation Design - Ableton Live - Avid Pro Tools
My work is characterized by creative problem solving, strong communication skills and the ability to turn creative visions into reality - be it in artistic direction, spatial design or audiovisual production. I am constantly looking for new challenges and look forward to working with like-minded creatives and visionary companies.
With over 15 years of experience as a project manager, freelancer and artistic designer, I specialize in interdisciplinary projects in the fields of scenography, architecture, design, audio and art production. As a PROFESSIONAL scenographer and media artist, my practice revolves around an interdisciplinary approach.
My expertise ranges from the development and design of immersive installations and artistic projects to the management and realization of architecture and design projects and the production of radio plays and music videos.
In my last role as project manager at EIGENSONNE GmbH, I was responsible for the conception and design of a new office as well as internal communication and consulting for design projects.
I'll be happy to hear from you!
Send me an email .